If you take the C-A-K-E-S out of Cakesass, all you have is A-S-S... which is what I am apparently. I just looked at the pics I took off my phone the other day, and I haven't posted since MAY! Oh dear! so this is a catch up for everyone who's not on my Facebook....
Waaaay back in May, we had the special triple birthday extravaganza for Husband, Other Husband and Friend. Three birthdays in three days USUALLY means 1 party and at least 2 cakes. Sadly though, I was feeling exceptionally uninspired so I decided my 7 year old should come up with a design, and I would make it into a cake. The Husbands go sailing every year, so Pirate Theme is always popular. The kiddo did a nice stick figure picture for me to go with and I translated it into this baby. 2 layer sheet cake with buttercream frosting...
and of course I jazzed it up a bit :)
Then I decided Husband needed his favorite cake, so a few days later I made him his Black Forest cake anyway
July... well, I just felt like having cake. I took some flak from a jerk friend for the decorating job....
below the pic is the Facebook conversation that followed...how foolish indeed!
Minden Lish....you failed Canada....our flag is not pink.....pink is for sissies!!!!
Elisheba Minden, you are a jerky jerk. YOU try making actual RED icing from scratch! You know how much food coloring that takes?!
Minden lol I was not denying your talent...it is a beautiful cake....I am just saying....you have potrayed Canada as a sissy lol
Elisheba ...And your point is?
Elisheba No its made of mad hatters and dead indians but I couldn't figger out how to get felted beaver pelt and scalps on such short notice
Minden really!? you really didnt know where to find such items on short notice!? Why do I find that hard to believe Lish? oh thats right...I KNOW YOU!!!!! lol
Elisheba Well its hard to get my usual supplies here. Our walmart just doesn't work right
Minden tis a sad sad day when you cant get scalps and beaver pelt at your local wal mart!
Elisheba A sad day indeed.
Elisheba And you thought a sissy flag was the worst of our country's worries... Silly girl
Minden how foolish I have been!
Uhh... yeah, we tend to get carried away sometimes :)
Then September rolled around, and with that E and Child's birthdays... We usually do a combination celebration for them too. Since Child's friends are usually out of town on the long weekend, we then invite his classmates later in the month. So, the first planned day rolls around and suddenly I realize "I have to make the cake TODAY! TODAY!!!!". This here was one slick "oh crap" cake.
.really PINK...
Oh hey, it's still September! What a busy month! I'm surprised I can find my kitchen at all at this point! I had to make Child's "party" cake the next day, so I offered my brother a Meat Cake for his birthday. He thought that was a pretty awesome Idea, and it was a pretty awesome "cake". Really. There were NO leftovers.
And managed to come up with THIS!
I'd say it was a hit :)
And these 15 kids seemed to think so too... I'll take them over my inner critic any day