Maybe I mentioned it, maybe not, but we've been overrun by home improvement projects... You all saw the new appliances :) well, that was only the beginning... The lighting has been changed from fluorescent light box to halogen pots (my last post was done at great risk to my person, there were wires hanging from the ceiling and one bare bulb dangling from above the sink to light my way... what a thrill!), which DO look very nice... I'm sure I will come to appreciate them more when we have A FLOOR!!! Yeah! No floor!. That came up a few days ago, linoleum out of the kitchen and crappy laminate from the living room. There was a bit of suspense as the tile was supposed to be delivered Saturday before noon, and didn't show until Tuesday at 11:30... grr. I know it will look nice when it is all done. but it is horrendously frustrating to be displaced like this with the kid and the dog (hubby is thankfully out of town for a week), and still work and school to get to. Yes. A total pain in the ass.
Anyway, here are the few pics i thought to take of the event...

The first one was where I realised that this was all going to be a very, very big deal. Really, it hadn't occurred to me the entire time we were picking out the tile, not when we were pulling the appliances out, not even when we had no table to put our pizza on. This, this right here was the moment I decided that if I was going to cry, now was the time, and I better get it out of my system already, because this was going to be a big deal.
Here we have the heating cable started. This stuff is a SERIOUS pain in the butt. It's picky, particular, and somewhat fragile. It's also stupid-expensive, but means we can do away with the baseboard heat, and no cold floors in the morning! YAY. There are other less labor intensive versions (they come in mats that you can roll out and cut), but they're about 2-3 times the price. So the hubby brought home the knee pads (tee hee) and got to it. 
This last shot is at about 11 pm. The end of an extremely long 2 days of furniture moving, demolition, prep work and of course, bickering. Mmm, beer.
We appreciate your patience while we make changes in order to feed you better.
lol. There'll be a new post soon. A food post. Promise.
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