Yeah, I'm serious, that was my lunch today. You should try it sometime!
1/4-1/2 cup skim milk
1 cup frozen fruit
1/4 cup berry puree (I make this up in my "spare time" so there's no seeds in it)
2 tbsp ground flax
1 scoop protein powder.
2-3 tbsp agave or honey
add to blender, you might need more or less milk to get it going. Blend until smooooooth. Enjoy!
Now I can hear some of you thinking "Um WTF is with Lish and the Fat Free dairy!?"... well this year, I was told I had high cholesterol (saaad face). Which means low fat dairy, even less meat than I already eat, and enough bloody oatmeal to knock over a Scotsman. You will see some of this madness reflected in my recipes from now on. Besides that, I'm bloody FAT, so it's not going to kill me to eat the "light" crap for awhile. ALSO, this smoothie has between 400 and 500 calories AS IS! So if you're bent on using the full fat dairy, BEWARE! You could be blasting down a 700 calorie beverage just for breakfast. Some smoothie recipes can hide up to 1000 calories in their yummy yummy goodness... they are gooood though, aren't they ;)
Well, the most important thing is done.
Tomorrow I will post "How to Smoothie" and the day after, I will post a photo tour of my new appliances and the rest of the house.
Ciao Ciao Mickey Mouse!