Occasionally, when I lack inspiration- okay, let me clarify that; I'm always lacking in inspiration, but usually I wallow in it... Occasionally, instead of wallowing in my lack of inspiration, I turn to my cookbooks for guidance.
One of my favorite cookbooks is "The Modern Family Cookbook" by Meta Given. First printed in 1958, and first copyright in 1942, you gotta know it's full of some real old fashioned gems. The most valuable of all the tidbits (aside from the best biscuit and dumpling recipes), is the Retro Homemaker wisdom. I love to read that stuff. Sometimes it makes me laugh and shake my head, and sometimes it makes me feel downright inadequate!
Right at the beginning, before all the recipes is the "Meal Planners Creed"; which precedes the chapter on ""the Diet Pattern". So let me share my inspiration...
The Meal Planner's Creed
The health of my family is in my care; therefore-
I will spare no effort in planning the right kinds of food in the right amounts.
Spending the food dollar for maximum value is my job; therefore-
I will choose from the variously priced foods to save money without sacrificing health.
My family's enjoyment of food is my responsibility; therefore-
I will increase their pleasure by planning for variety, for flavorful dishes, for attractive color, for appetizing combinations.
My family's health, security, and pleasure depend on my skill in planning meals; therefore-
I will treat my job with the respect that is due it.
The Modern Family Cookbook by Meta Given
Now you see what I mean, with the funny and the inadequacy... I'm not too sure about the "security and pleasure" depending on my meal planning skills, but the whole creed makes one think a bit about our roles in the home.
What I wouldn't give to go back to the 50's just for the Home Ec. class!
lol wow...
So is this your new mod-o? Enough chat. Now get in that kitchen and get to your responsibilities woman!
Sorta reminds me of the old 'child rearing' book your nan gave me when you were born....
9:00 am - 9:15 Put child in sunny spot in bassinet.
9:15 - 9:45 Bath child
And so on....
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